Monday, January 25, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. The article explains and provides examples of unethical photo manipulation. It also explains the reasons and motivations behind individual edits. It shows guidelines on how to present accurate photos to readers.

B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical and should not be permitted. It provides false visual information that can intentionally manipulate a viewer's thoughts. It adds to the confusion already present in conflicting news sources and is hard to detect to the untrained eye. Without preventing minor edits like the ones shown, unethical photo manipulation can become insidious. 

I think this image is the most unethical because it completely fabricates an event that never happened. It is also politically charged, which shows why the "photographer" may have created it.

I think this manipulation is the least unethical because it restored a photo that was outdated because of its age. No major noticeable details were changed, but the second picture evokes more emotion due to being clearer and truer to life, which could be unethical.

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