Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4


Rewards created for good attendance raises questions
by Casey Shrout

    Recently, incentives were introduced to convince students to attend school every day. These incentives include personalized parking spots and off periods and are intended to appeal to all students. Many students and staff have objections and questions about the new policy.

Who? Bowie students, especially upperclassmen, are affected by the policy. 
What? Incentives and rewards for good attendance. 
Where? Bowie, parking spots in the parking lot. 
When? The incentives were introduced at the beginning of the semester. 
Why? Bowie needs more kids to attend every day to increase AISD revenue. 
How? Personalized parking spots and off periods were offered to upperclassmen. 
Who was quoted in the story? Grace Little, Madi Little, Mason Kendrick, Ruth Widner, and Lauryn Kendrick are quoted. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I hope that people take the incentives seriously and really take advantage of the opportunities being handed to them," Madi Little said. This quote sums up the objective of the incentives. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? The lead sentence is a run-on sentence and could've worked better as a short, interesting statement. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a quote. 

Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about medical and health issues to make a difference
by Kathleen Nguyen 

Bowie's Red Cross Club meets weekly to make a difference in their community and communities around the world. The club has recently grown to about thirty members and participates in competitions with other schools in the area. The club hopes to help relief efforts and broaden Bowie students' experience with aid efforts. 

Who? The Red Cross Club at Bowie.
What? The club meets to improve medical issues around the community.
Where? They meet at Bowie in room C108.
When? The club meets Tuesday mornings.
Why? The Red Cross Club's goal is to help anyone in need of aid, from  hospital patients in Austin to children in Africa.
How? They raise money for relief efforts and do other volunteer work. 
Who was quoted in the story? Caleb Newton, Madison Winn, and Erin Kowalik are quoted.
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "The Red Cross, and more specifically our club, is unique in the fact that it not only makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference in this world, but also that the entire club can make an impact on a person in need's life who we haven't even met," Newton said. This quote explains the motivation behind the club. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? The lead sentence provided interesting imagery. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a quote. 

Freshman Katelyn Dill takes home grand champion award
by Alicia Molina 

On January 13, two science fair competitions were held at Mills Elementary and Bowie High School. Students from Bowie volunteered to judge elementary science projects, while teachers and parents judged Bowie students. Freshman Katelyn Dill won the grand champion science fair award at Bowie.

Who? Bowie students volunteered to judge elementary science projects, while others competed with others at the high school level. 
What? Science fair competitions at Mills and Bowie. 
Where? Mills Elementary and Bowie High School. 
When? Both science fair competitions were held on the same day. 
Why? Science fairs were held for competitive students in science classes to be judged and win awards. 
How? Students from Bowie judged the projects at Mills, while teachers and parents judged Bowie's competitiors.
Who was quoted in the story? Alonna Beatty, -- Cardenas, -- Gause, and Katelyn Dill were quoted.
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "If you want to inspire that student, then judging at elementary schools is also a good idea. Just judging can give them the inspiration to grow not only in science but in school and in life," Beatty said. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? The lead sentence didn't make a lot of sense. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a quote. 

The Bensons inspire others
by Samantha Knapp

Motivational speaker and former boy's basketball coach Kacy Benson speaks to students and athletic teams at Bowie. He tells about his turbulent childhood, hoping it will inspire other students in the same situations. His wife Vickie Benson coaches basketball and praises Kacy for his connection to his listeners. 

Who? Kacy Benson, a motivational speaker and former basketball coach, and Vickie Benson, basketball coach at Bowie. 
What? Kacy inspires others with his motivational speeches.
Where? Benson speaks to students and athletic teams at Bowie.
When? Benson endured a rough childhood, then taught boy's basketball for thirteen years. He is now a motivational speaker. 
Why? Kacy wants to inspire others with his experiences and give others hope.
How? Benson uses humor and sincerity to communicate with his listeners. 
Who was quoted in the story? Amber Lotz, Kianna Ray, Jaime Lankes, Kacy Benson, and Vickie Benson were quoted.
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I hope in the end I'm able to make a change and motivate them to do better and work harder, and to choose the right path. Because of what I went through, I know that there are teenagers that are going through the same things, and I want people to be able to look at my life and be like, "Wow, he made it out!"" This explains why Kacy works to help others. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? The lead sentence was interesting and made me want to hear Benson speak. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a quote. 

Silver Stars continue to practice throughout the year 
by Avy Friedman 

The Silver Stars team at Bowie has practiced all year to compete in a marching auxiliary competition , where they will perform among other schools. Dancers explain the rigorous training and their dependence on teamwork. All of the dancers must remain committed to practice and performance. 

Who? Bowie's Silver Stars dance team. 
What? The team practices for a major dance competition early in the year. 
Where? Practice is held at Bowie and at the Burger sports center. The competition takes place at Bowie. 
When? The competition was held the weekend of February 6th. 
Why? The Silver Stars practiced to compete in the annual competition. 
How? Practice is held early in the morning every day; the team also performs at other times in the year.
Who was quoted in the story? Courtney Allison, Kendall Franz, Morgan Andrews, and Lynsey Gagner were quoted. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "Since we do the same dances at multiple competitions, we really learn how to work together and communicate with each other to get what we need to make the dance better for the next competition."
This quote explains the teamwork required in the process of preparing the dancers for competition. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Not really, it could have used more explanation on who the Silver Stars are. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a quote. 

Drawbacks of the 'incentives'

This editorial criticizes Bowie's new attendance policy, stating the drawbacks outweigh the benefits when it comes to the new rules. The editorial provides reasons for the controversy around the new policy. There is only a narrow range of students affected positively by the new policy, and many more students are experiencing the drawbacks.

Who? Students at Bowie affected by the new attendance incentive policy. 
What? Incentives for good attendance were offered to students who qualified. 
Where? BOWIE!!
When? The incentives were introduced to students the first day of the spring 2015-2016 semester. 
Why? Bowie needs more kids to attend school every day, and is hoping these incentives will motivate some kids to come to school. 
How? Parking spaces, off periods, and finals exemptions were offered to students who met the attendance criteria. 
Who was quoted in the story? n/a
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? n/a
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Not really. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? The conclusion was a statement. 

Tarzan brings STC to new heights
by Kamryn Bryce

Who? Bowie's Starlight Theatre Company.
What? The performance of 'Tarzan', a musical based on the Disney movie.
Where? The performances took place at Bowie. 
When? The STC performed Tarzan over the course of eight nights. 
Why? The STC hoped to entertain viewers and exhibit the abilities of Bowie's theatre department. 
How? Many students were involved in the development of the set, choreography, lighting, and more. 
Who was quoted in the story? Eryn Northcutt, Emma Haschke, Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Juliana Davis, and Betsy Cornwell were quoted. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?

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