Thursday, October 29, 2015

CE 2.3

1. Rep. Paul Ryan, a Republican, is set to become Speaker of the House of Representatives.
2. "Failure to identify becomes an offense if a person "intentionally refuses to give a name, residence address, or date of birth to an officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information."
3. The Mets and the Royals are playing at the World Series.

  •   DO look for unusual conversation pieces 
  •   DO purchase high quality, well-made items
  •   DON'T buy seasonal items in colors that aren't in your current decor 
  •   DON'T buy seasonal artwork
5. I would like to go to the Umlauf Sculpture Garden for Halloween. 

1. I've seen the video of this incident. It was hard to browse social media soon after it happened without coming across it once or twice. 
2. I believe the officer was rightfully fired. Exercising that kind of force on any child, regardless of disciplinary issues, is inappropriate and illegal. The fact that such force was used-the usage of a police deputy to end a situation that involved only a teenage girl and a cell phone- indicates that there is a bigger issue at hand.
3. Police brutality, whether it's against young girls of color or anyone else cops view as a "threat", is definitely an issue. Police departments exist to de-escalate danger of violence and crime. 
4. Racism definitely plays a part in what happened here. I've seen kids here at Bowie (with a majority of white students) who are belligerent, disrespectful, and won't put down their phones, but never have I seen or heard of this kind of force being used. At most they are sent to the principal's office for counseling. White students are sent for further counseling to repair and apologize for their actions, while black students and students of color face immediate violent, real consequences.
5. Cell phones and social media allowed for not just a few witnesses. When the world saw what happened, they demanded that the officer face the consequences of his actions. Before mobile cameras became widespread, these incidents often happened without the police facing responsibility. 
6. I don't think the video should have become as widespread as it did. It should have definitely been kept out of the police's hands, there would probably be a very different result had the filmer's phone been confiscated. I think the video is an example of how the credibility of victims has been widely contested. It makes the largely white non-victims of police assault doubt first-hand eyewitness accounts. Another problem arises with the video being so widespread. Many people have expressed discomfort at the video being shown over and over, especially black victims of police assault. The trauma this young girl faced has been broadcast to millions of people. 

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