Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch- News Evaluation

"Age old battle still ongoing" page 1 

Who: Girls at Bowie
What: Objection to administrative double standards in the dress code
Where: Bowie and AISD
When: Last year, currently
Why: Students object to misogyny in the dress code, and AISD reacts accordingly.
How: Several students decided to speak up on the matter.

     Last year, Parker Smith was at the center of a long-standing conflict between those who opposed the dress code at Bowie and the administrators themselves.  Parker was unwavering in her protest of what she saw as unfair, and sparked interest in both staff and students. This conflict was likened to the struggles of early feminists.

  • Parker Smith, direct quotes
  • Stephen Kane, direct
  • Jennifer Smith, direct
  • Brandon Smith, direct
  • Marley Neth, direct 
    "Life isn't fair, something all people learn sooner or later, but when unfair becomes double standard there are those who speak out against the injustice," seems like an opinionated statement meant to draw the reader's interest. It declares that "life isn't fair" and that "unfair" can somehow become "double standard", as if only then it will be justified to object.

I don't think the headline relates to the article at all. If anything, it's the struggle of girls at Bowie to object to an unfair administration, not the overall scope of feminism as a whole. 

The statement above also applies to the graphic. (no)

Building a better education thanks to AISD bond

Who: Students are affected by changes allowed by an AISD bond. 
What: New educational spaces are being built around campus.
Where: Bowie's campus 
When: Earlier this summer, some to be completed by late September
Why: AISD gave bond so students would have a better educational experience
How: Voters at the school board voted on this bond

       AISD has given a bond to Bowie to improve its educational spaces and convenience.  Among the changes include a training room for athletic and sports students, a spacious kitchen for Culinary students, and various conveniences such as digital clocks and a stand for security officers at the parking lot. These changes are expected to improve the educational experience of Bowie students. 

  • Pablo Riera, direct
  • Brittani Thibodeaux, direct
  • Richard Winemiller, direct
  • Janelle Seay, direct

No opinions.

The headline summarizes the story efficiently.

Yes, the image fits with the story.

"SAT and ACT will change in March" page 4

Who: Students taking the SAT and ACT
What: Tests created by CollegeBoard for students
Where: Nationwide
When: Changes will be implemented in March.
Why: Collegeboard frequently changes aspects of the test through the years.
How: Students can choose to take the test before or after March. 

    The SAT has been changed this year and the new test will be available in March.  Students can choose whether or not to take the updated test. Many students are experiencing stress when faced with this decision, but study guides and methods are available. 
  • Judd Pfieffer, direct
  • Isabela Doberenz, direct
  • Ricky Ramirez, direct
   "Just by reading for 30 minutes a day the score on these exams will go up," is an unnecessary transition. Not only is there no source, it is unsupported by any other statements in the article.

   The headline summarizes the article sufficiently.
   The graphic associated with the story fits with the article.

"FIT bell schedule remains the same after proposals last year"

Who: Students affected by the schedule-changing proposals
What: The schedule remains the same after proposals.
Where: Bowie, in relation to other campuses in AISD
When: Last year vs. this year
Why: Many students objected to the proposed schedule change. 
How: A and B days would have different frequencies, and FIT would be every day, but instead the regular schedule was pushed back 10 minutes to line up with other campuses. 

Last year, a proposal was issued that the block schedule as well as FIT would be rearranged. Despite the designated A and B days students objected to the change. The FIT bell schedule remained the same this year as a result. 

  • Emily Heim, direct
  • Nicole Moore, direct
  • Kalia Aquino, direct
  • Patricia Conroy, direct
  • Matt Saucier, direct
  • Lili Benitez, direct
  • Sahaj Mann, direct

There are no opinions in the transition sentences. 
The bell schedule next to the article refers to the proposed FIT schedule.
"AISD gives the school bond for campus renovations"
Who: AISD and Bowie High School
What: AISD gave a $16.5 million bond to Bowie to make renovations.
When: Earlier this summer, 2014
Where: James Bowie High School
Why: Bowie is one of the highest-performing and oldest campuses in AISD.
How: AISD voted for a school bond.

    • Vicki Hebert, direct
    • Tanner Howell, direct
    • Robert Rasmus, direct
There are no opinions in the transition sentences.
There is no graphic or picture associated with the article.

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