Tuesday, November 10, 2015

CE 3.1

1.Why does Travis County want to ban the Confederate flag from a parade to be held this month in Austin? Page A1 "Controversy erupts over..."

Austin Mayor Steve Adler wants to ban the Confederate flag from this parade because it represents a "political symbol of hatred and racism", and it does not reflect the opinions of Travis County.

2. How did Julian Hernandez find out he was a victim of kidnapping by his father? Page A12 "Teen discovers..."

Hernandez found out he was a victim of kidnapping because of a discrepancy regarding his Social Security number that arose while he was applying for college. 
3. Why does a group of kids have to climb a ladder to get to school? Page B2 "Young students' trek to school.

    The ladder crosses a fence, acting as a shortcut for the kids who must walk to school. The buses only operate within a 2-mile radius of the school. 
4. Three-part question, make sure to answer all 3: What business is Whole Foods in? What business is Amplify Snacks in? What business is HomeAway in? BE SPECIFIC FROM THE READINGS. Page B6 top 3 stories on the page.

    Whole Foods operates in the grocery business. Amplify Snacks makes popcorn and tortilla chips for health-conscious customers. HomeAway is the leading player in the online vacation rental industry. 
5. What is Elena Donio trying to do with her life and how is she carrying her goals out? Page SA1 "Mentoring women in tech".

   Elena Donio wants to mentor women in the tech industry; she achieves this by sponsoring female developers and programs that encourage womens' presence in the tech industry. 

1. What kind of article/story is this, based on what you have learned in my class this year?

This is an opinions piece. 

2. What was the argument David Brooks was making in the piece?

David Brooks argues that ascetic living helps people prioritize. 
3. What support did he offer to prove his point to you?

He explains the living styles of  Puritans, Quakers, and Orthodox Jewish people, and explains modern culture's motivations to move towards simplicity. 

4. Why do you think the article was termed "From the Right" at the top of the story?

David Brooks is probably a Republican and has right-wing interests. 

5. Did he convince you of his point? WHY!!

   I wasn't convinced of his point, he explains that anti-materialism and "simplicity" provides the mind with some kind of instinctual peace, which is largely untrue. Technology, in fact, helps many to prioritize and complete tasks, and is not inherently "cluttering".  Those who have the opportunity to "do without" for a short amount of time and live a minimalistic lifestyle pay no regard to those who actually have little in the form of material possession, and cannot do anything about it. 

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