Wednesday, December 2, 2015

CE #3.3

1. What are the goals Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have from donating a sizable portion of their money? Quote directly Page A1 "Facebook CEO to give..."

Zuckerburg and his wife hope to "advance human potential and promote equality" by donating 99% of their wealth to their new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. 

2. What are the major reasons (3) the state is adding $130 million in spending for Pre-K? Page B1 "Experts offer pre-k advice"

The money is expected to go toward smaller class sizes, teacher training and full-day schooling.

3. How many stories will the newest downtown condo project be and why is this significant (2 part)? Page B7 "Land sale closes..."

The new downtown condo project is anticipated to be 58 stories, which would make it the tallest building in Austin as well as the tallest residential building west of the Mississippi.

4. How much money will David Price make the next 7 years? Page C5 "Red Sox, Price agree..."

David Price will make $217 million dollars in his contract for the next seven years.

5. Would you eat Texas Trash? Page D1 "LBJ Library letting us..."

I am Texas Trash.
I don't think I would eat it, doesn't sound good to me.

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1. What is Homeboy Industries?

Homeboy Industries is an organization that seeks to rehabilitate former inmates and gang members by providing a job opportunity in the culinary industry.

2. Was this a compelling read and why?

This was a compelling read, I enjoy reading stories about people's lives who have been transformed for the better. These hopeful stories help to put the world in perspective for me.

3. What did you think as you read this story?

   I thought about the amount of inmates in US prisons who are not offered a second chance, and those who went straight from school to prison. This organization has helped to transform the lives of people, even those who have lived amidst crime since childhood. Rehabilitation should seriously be considered before someone is locked away.

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